Your application has been received!
The Langley Foundation has received your grant application for the Langley Community Prosperity Fund. Thank you for participating in this amazing opportunity to make a difference in our community.
The Community Prosperity Fund is a $25 million investment from the Government of B.C. that advances poverty reduction and social inclusion. The Langley Community Prosperity Fund is part of the Government of B.C.’s commitment to supporting the non-profit sector and empowering local communities to make local decisions through local community foundations.
All applications will be adjudicated from August 1 – 30th and we will notify each organization of the approval process on August 30th.
The Langley Foundation ensures your application will be reviewed at the local level. Thank you for the work you do to advance poverty reduction and social inclusion in our Langley community.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Inga Warnock | Director of Planned Gifts
The Langley Foundation
Inga Warnock
Planned Giving Director
Phone: 604.807.6936