Langley Community Prosperity Fund APPLY NOW APPLY NOW The Langley Community Prosperity Fund Application Timeline Application Open: May 31, 2024 Application Open: May 31, 2024 Application Open: May 31, 2024 Application Close: July 31, 2024 Application Reviewed: August 1 - 30, 2024 Application Reviewed: August 1 - 30, 2024 Applicant Notified: August 30, 2024 Applicant Notified: August 30, 2024 Activities must end: June 30, 2027 Activities must end: June 30, 2027 Step 1 of 5 20% SECTION 1: PROVIDE THE CONTENT DETAILS FOR THE PRIMARY CONTACT FROM YOUR ORGANIZATION. WE MAY REACH OUT TO IF WE HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION.Name(Required) First Last Role or Title CellEmail(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Provide the contact details of a staff member in a leadership role at your organization such as the CEO, President, or Executive Director.Indicate if this contact is the same as information provided above.(Required) YES No IF NO, PLEASE PROVIDE CONTACT DETAILS BELOWName First Last Email CellOrganization Name Role or Title Your Organization's DetailsOrganization Legal Name(Required) Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City Website Instagram Facebook X (formerly Twitter) How did you hear about the Langley Community Prosperity Fund?(Required)4. What is your organization’s annual revenue(Required) $49,999 and under $50,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $1,499,999 $1,500,000 to $4,999,999 Mission StatementDescribe your organization’s mission and purpose and how you support the purpose of the Langley Community Prosperity Fund(Required)Max. 100 words SECTION 2: TYPE OF ORGANIZATIONAre you a charity registered with the CRA?(Required) Yes No If YES, provide a direct link to your organization’s CRA T3010A which you can find on the CRA website: If YES, provide your Registered Charity Number Are you an incorporated non-profit registered with the Government of BC or federally incorporated?(Required) Yes No If YES, please provide your incorporation number Are you an Indigenous-serving organization?(Required) Yes No If YES, provide the name as it appears in the registry. SECTION 3: YOUR FUNDING REQUESTThe Langley Community Prosperity Fund provides funding for new or existing projects. It will cover operational expenses that support your project delivery. What are your organization’s primary needs and how will this funding support the needs of your community?(Required)Max. 100 wordsWhat is the primary population that would be served by this fund. (Select one primary population)(Required)Please select one >>Children and young adultsWomenFirst Nations, Metis and Inuit peoplePersons of colourPersons living with disabilitiesImmigrants and refugeesSeniorsLow-income familiesPersons with experiences of abuse and traumaPersons living with mental illness or addiction.Funding TypeOperational Costs(Required)EXAMPLE: salary for new hire, support for staff training, developing organizational strategies and policies, stipends, and other organizational costs. Describe the purpose of your funding request for Operational Expenses. How will this funding support your organizational needs. How many years do you anticipate it to complete? 1, 2, 3 years?New or Existing Project Delivery(Required)EXAMPLE: expansion of program, or delivery of new program within your charity that addresses community needs. Describe the purpose of your funding request and how will this funding support your organizational needs. How many years do you anticipate it to complete? 1, 2, 3 years?Who will be responsible for overseeing this project?Name(Required) First Last Roll or Title(Required) Responsibility(Required) Are you working with any other organizations on these projects? If YES, please list the organizations and briefly describe their role. SECTION 4: YOUR BUDGET + FINANCIAL INFORMATIONTOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED(Required)Provide details of your overall budget for this grant and include expenses, such as:Include your last annual report and the most recent financial statement (ensure financial statements are signed and dated by accounting firm or approved by your Board of Directors. Staff salaries, employment related costs(Required)Materials, supplies, equipment(Required)Administration(Required)Training and Events(Required)Other(Required)TOTALUpload Financial Statement(Required)Last annual report and the most recent financial statement Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 4. SECTION 5: CERTIFICATIONS + CONDITIONSPlease confirm the following conditions to submit your application:In checking this box, I (we) confirm that the information provided in this application is accurate.(Required) YES In checking this box, I (we) confirm our organization/charity DID NOT receive funding from the Lighthouse or Recovery & Resilience Fund or Level BIPOC Grants.(Required) YES In checking this box, I confirm that I have the appropriate signing authority to submit this application on behalf of the organization.(Required) YES I understand that I must submit an application in the online application form (unless accessibility requirements are requested through The Langley Foundation)(Required) YES Are you interested in keeping up to date with The Langley Foundation? Yes (please check for confirmation) CaptchaEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ