Make A Difference

How to Give

By partnering with us, you will become one of the difference-makers that this community needs. Every donation matters and every dollar is put to good use. No matter the amount you choose to give, your contributions will go a long way toward cultivating positive growth that will last for generations.

There is no end to the need facing Langley right now, and it can feel overwhelming to try to identify the best place to distribute one’s resources. That’s why a big part of what we do is help work with donors to identify specific areas of interest to them. We then create opportunities to realize actual, lasting change in those areas.

As a registered Canadian charity, we keep administration costs to a bare minimum. This means more of your money supports the grants you care about instead of covering overhead or profit.

Let’s be stronger together! Will you help us unite The Langleys and bring lasting change to our communities for generations to come?

Join other local businesses that have chosen The Langley Foundation as their philanthropic partner and watch your business benefit:

  • Engage your employees in important discussions
  • Provide your staff opportunities to learn about community needs and ways to get involved
  • Raise awareness about your philanthropy and the collective impact of your support, both to the public and your employees

For more information contact Paul Weme by contacting us or call  604.701.2614

Plan for your family’s future by leaving a legacy gift through your will. Wills aren’t just a legal way to distribute your personal assets, they can be a powerful tool for change in the world. Whether you want to support an organization in your neighbourhood or we can help you plan for your gift to have a lasting impact on the community for years to come. When you work with us, you have complete flexibility to leave a legacy that best meets your goals.

Did you know that charitable gifts made via a will result in a donation receipt that can be used to offset the taxes payable on the death of the donor? The Langley Foundation is able to provide sample clauses for your will that you can use in consultation with your professional advisor.

For more information contact Inga Warnock by connecting here or calling 604.807.6936

Do you want to give back to the places where you have lived, worked and raised your family? Many share that desire and are already doing it through The Langley Foundation.

Getting started is easy. Connect with our team and discover options (both immediate and future) that are the best fit for you and what you would like to contribute as a part of your legacy to The Langleys.

For more information contact Paul Weme by connecting here or calling 604.701.2614

Make a lasting difference in 'The Langleys' through
The Langley Foundation!